(2024-08-25) Pondering Network Governance

Robin Berjon's pieces over the last year have me looking into network governance designs.... but he links largely to academic papers, which quickly MEGO. What am I looking for????

I'm not very interested in arguments for new designs of social networking apps

  • for standard-social I'm betting on OpenSource+federation (currently Mastodon), and want to see the various alternatives grow and get-real.
  • as Thinking Tools for increasing Collective Intelligence, yes this is central, but I fear will be irrelevant without changes to the structure of "real world" institutions.

I'm also interested in alternatives to hierarchy in single-Organization design: adhocracy, holacracy, 5GM? But since I'm not working in such environments (specifically because of their mess), I'm not sure I can ground my opinions in enough experience.

The real-world testing-ground I'm interesting is accelerating climate change adaptation/prevention. But my last map at Accelerating Progress Through Tools-For-Thought sees climate work as mostly blocked by political games. So I'm wondering whether networks can be used to create cooperation across coalitions within existing government systems, or create new semi-official networks that get a seat at the table.... contra the Epistemic Community frame which feels more like "nudging the system from within"....

I'm also wondering whether management cybernetics has a role in creating information systems that improve feedback of reality in these BigWorld systems....

Meta: Network Enlightenment

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