3D Graph
I have an occasional need/desire for making/viewing a graph in 3D - not fake-3D-chartjunk, but 3 actual dimensions (ideally with the ability to rotate my view).
Right now (May'2023) I'd like a 3d bar-graph - I have a 5x5 matrix with counts (could be averages, etc.) in each cell.... example
- GoogleSheets won't do it
- LibreOffice won't do it
- Mac Grapher won't do it (at least it doesn't look right when I import coordinates)
- Mac Numbers won't do it
- Mathematica looks promising with
BarChart3D[{{1, 6, 8}, {2, 7, 1}, {3, 1, 4}}]
... but it's just making them a single long series, not layers - Excel-365 - doesn't seem like it
- but maybe the downloaded app will do it? - will have to try on my wife's computer...
- yes it does, though it's too stupid to recognize the 1st row and column as dimensions rather than values. jfc
- but maybe the downloaded app will do it? - will have to try on my wife's computer...
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