A group, esp a product team that includes all the skills/roles necessary to Gets Things Done. Whole Team
(If you want to be literal/pedantic, any team with more than one function is cross-functional, but the point is to have all the necessary functions)
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BackLinks: 2018-05-16-DoerrMeasureWhatMatters | 2018-10-31-CaganEmpoweredProductTeams | 2019-04-18-CutlerTheMessyShiftToStartingTogether | 2019-08-29-CaganProductVsFeatureTeams | 2023-04-10-MaricktInterviewTrondHjortelandOnARadicalApproachToOrganizationalTransformation | AgilityContextAndTeamAgency | OrganizationModels | ProductTeamMembersReportToTheTeamLeader
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