Enterprise Two
aka "Enterprise 2.0", aka "SocialEnterprise"
trying to bring the New Economy inside the BigCo Enterprise via Social Software
Andrew Mac Afee role http://blog.hbs.edu/faculty/amcafee/index.php/faculty_amcafee_v3/2006/03/
- Dion Hinchcliffe on his SLATES model: Search, Links, Authorship, Tags, Extensions, and Signals.
Sept'2008: Venkatesh Rao on the generational war between Knowledge Management and Enterprise Two
Feb'2011: Stowe Boyd is tired of Dennis Howlett and Andrew Mac Afee dismissing the concept. One — the Enterprise 2.0 school — are much more conventionally grounded in the prevailing ideas of 20th century information technology and business management, and who see internet technologies of as just a collection of slightly newer tools to replace the slightly older tools in place in the world of busines. The second — the Social Business contingent — believe that the social dimension is the most important aspects of the new web, not the technology that underlies it. We feel that there is an opportunity for businesses to reformulate themselves, and at a fundamental level, to operate more efficiently and sustainably in a changed world. As is generally the case when a new worldview comes along to upset the established premises and priesthood of an established orthodoxy, there is a great deal of invective and animosity. It’s very personal.
Feb'2011: J P Rangaswami frames this as the "MakEr Generation in the Enterprise", and identifies 5 principles to apply.
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