Shared Language

Implicit (sometimes explicit) agreement within a group of the meaning of certain words and phrases. (Individual words/phrases are the Shared Vocabulary, the Language is how you use them?)

I believe the WikiWords Smashed Together Words pattern reinforces this (key page: Automatic Linking).

Naming Things is Magick!

related to Pattern Language?


Culture Clash, Shared Language, and StoryTelling: Language itself is not enough. Telling stories is what makes language shared. (storytelling; "Shaka, when the walls fell")

What really makes the Wiki's LinkAsYouThink feature special is that it facilitates the creation of SharedLanguage among the community that uses it. As I've said so often here, SharedLanguage is an absolute prerequisite for collaboration. The lack of SharedLanguage is the most common roadblock to effective collaboration, be it a small work team or a community of thousands. Look at the page index of any Wiki, and you'll see the vocabulary of that community. Thanks to the other affordances of the tool, that vocabulary accomodates multiple definitions while encouraging convergence where appropriate. Most importantly, that vocabulary is SharedLanguage that has emerged from the community itself and that continues to evolve.

An organization is both a conversation and a text. Specifically, Taylor claims that an organization exists as a collection of shared knowledge of how it enacts itself (e.g. as a text). This shared knowledge consists of rules, roles, norms, scripts, goals, and shared experience that is constructed in, and which in turn helps to structure, the organizations ongoing conversations. Text and conversation are both used in somewhat special ways here, with a conversation occurring in any media interact within the organization and text emerging from those interacts as, in some sense, a set of interacts that work and are therefore worth preserving and repeating.

cf How To Make A Complete Map Of Every Thought You Think

Eugene Eric Kim: A Manifesto for Collaborative Tools


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