Thinker Web
Site for consulting-thinker which has various Metered PayWalls etc. to do Thinking Out Loud for a variety of audiences and Business Models.
- shouldn't just be 2 buckets (free vs paid), but
- multiple tiers (with more exclusive content, and personal interaction, at deeper levels - True Fans); and/or
- support for different groups (client segments? tribes?)
- see old Overlapping Scopes Of Collaboration
BookServer page has the most detailed notes... Except it shouldn't be focused on book-structured content. 2018-11-15-BooksVsTweets I should fork BookServer over here...
- update: probably needs a model to also distribute a newsletter, which might be auto-generated from content, or might be curated/polished into something more meta-narrative....
This reminds me of Cory Doctorow's multi-channel broadcasting
A lot of the "Forces" of the pattern are noted at Webs Of Thinkers And Thoughts.
Let's try a Pattern format, targeting Visakan Veerasamy. (His output is generally words-in-a-row, though (a) ultimately threaded across all media, and (b) sometimes delivered over video.)
Context: You want to Get Paid as an Indie Creator.
- You consume and generate many thoughts/ideas.
- You can't help but share them - Thinking Out Loud - to spread free value, and also to generate feedback
- You want to Change the World, one flourishing person at a time.
- You have a reasonably coherent mindset/worldview, though you're also always changing a bit, and contain multitudes.
- Everything is Connected. Your thoughts may have clusters/themes, but it's hard to draw strong boundaries around them.
- Your thoughts are fractal in size/structure - some are tiny (twitter), some are medium (meso-blogging), some are book-length.
- You build out ideas incrementally/iteratively, based on your own cycles and thinking, plus feedback from others.
- Many people are more comfortable buying "finished" InfoProducts than being a patron for ongoing idea-smog.
- Some media are logistically easier to charge for than others. (It's hard to do a paid twitter account. It's easy to sell an ebook.)
- Free media can promote you ("solve for distribution").
- Use Twitter (0 revenue) for promotion, surface area, feedback, etc.
- Sell "packaged" assets for $ - ebooks, etc.
- Have some content stream/corpus available under subscription/patronage/membership model
- digital garden which pulls in tweets (POSSE) and threads them with other bits, leading to essay-type pages
- newsletter as periodic updated-list of garden pages, plus possibly some meta-commentary
- Offer "premium" options for low volume, high price (true fan): coaching, consulting, courses
Does this require any significant changes, if targeting Liminal Warmth, who has (also) produces novels and videogames.....?
- seems like less integration between those outputs and the text-streams, so not sure how effective the free-streams are as promotional channels
What if "trad essays" are your primary medium? Then paid-Substack is probably the way to go.
What about someone who's a new media inventor?
- could be either periodic atomic assets, or part of the subscription/etc package, depending on the creation-frequency.
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