(2021-04-16) Twitter Long-form

Pondering what Twitter's long-form efforts should look like

(It's amusing that standard-blog-post-length counts as long-form to Twitter.)

A newsletter "issue" will also have its web "archive" (aka post).

When you send an issue, it will be auto-promoted as a tweet (which links to the post).

There will be some sort of free-preview, if it's a paid-subscription-newsletter.

As a reader, you can highlight a passage (like Medium). Then have a choice of

  • tweeting that; and/or
  • tweeting a response to it (the response will probably be a thread-response to the excerpt)
  • links will be directly to text fragment - hmm might use url shortener?
  • might optionally/always be a quote-tweet of the original-promo-tweet.
  • article excerpt-point will link out to response-threads. A reader will be able to sort those threads by global-engagement or friends-engagement.

Creators will have options to let Readers:

Will TweetDeck have a column for "issue-tweets from your subscriptions"?

Will Twitter apps become long-form readers like Medium app?

Going the other direction, you'll be able to assemble/edit a tweet-storm into a post/issue.

  • maybe this will happen automatically
  • maybe tweet-storms will be default-collapsed? Or maybe reader-optionally collapsed? (I know that in a List stream one tweet-storm becomes an annoying attention-hog.)
  • if you quote/copy-paste a tweet into a post
    • it will be styled nicely and link to the original tweet
    • a post-tweet will be posted as reply to the original tweet

Will it go bigger? Assemble posts into an e-book? Unlikely.

Will it go smaller? Better thread management for readers and writers? Unlikely (long-form wants more linear streams).

Edited:    |       |    Search Twitter for discussion