(2020-06-27) Ways To Nudge Future
Talking to OpenGlobalMind folks has me pondering ways to nudge toward an Optimistic Near Future Vision.
Focus on immediate Grand Challenges?
Places To Intervene In A System: from Huge Invention down to Claim-Refactoring Service down to StoryTelling and ShitPosting: tweet
Jan'2021: Digital Garden's place in the Big Picture
Jul07'2021: Network Enlightenment
Aug'2021: turning into theory of change diagram, including connections to DAOs and Digital Gardens.
Sept16'2021: augmenting human intellect is the best
Augmenting Human Intellect wins pic.twitter.com/DsPpinS7qw
— Bill Seitz of FluxGarden (@BillSeitz) September 16, 2021
Sept25'2021: coreload tweets: Every software tool should be a "tool for thought" and every "tool for thought" should also be a "tool for appropriate action". (actionable Tools for Thought; Idea Machine)
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BackLinks: 2019-06-27-WaysToNudgeFuture | 2021-07-07-NetworkEnlightenment | 2022-08-16-BetaWorksRenderToolsForThinking | 2023-07-25-SteveBlankLeanMeetsWickedProblems | AcceleratingProgressThroughToolsForThought | ClimateChange | MyCalling | MyRecentKeyPages | OptimisticNearFutureVision | TheoryOfChange | ToolsForThought
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