Optimistic Near Future Vision
My vision coming from 2011-04-27-OptimisticNearFutureVision...
- for fiction, see backlinks plus Contemporary Heroic Instructional Fiction
- hah started this in 2011,didn't even consider climate change? Or is that implied in "no collapse"? Is that pointless magical thinking?
Micro: LeanFamily, LifestyleDesign
Also inspired by FractallyGenerativePatternLanguage, NetworkEconomy
- near future - 10-20yrs
- no magic (free food)
- no Collapse, though FederalGovernment reduced (defense, non-core departments)
- hmm what Huge Inventions do I expect?
Gas $8/gal (aka non-Cheap Oil). So imports reduced and more-expensive, but not gone.
FederalGovernment reduced (defense, non-core departments)
- CityRegion governance becomes more important - Holon
Commodity hard goods still mass-manufactured. Though more domestically.
- AmaZon winning at commodities
- local/Small Retail is more about experiences
- restaurants, coffee shops
- craft shops, studio spaces
More LocalFood: more people (10% of pop?) making it in Family Farm?
Suburbs reduced, more people in CitySize 50k UrbanVillage (PopulationDensity not quite Queens: 20k/sqmi) clusters along Commuter Train lines.
- MunicipalNet
- FreeCity?
- MixedUse property in center.
- Family Farming surrounding.
- NeighborHood/CommunityCenter: ProductOrientedUnschooling, HackerSpace, CoWorking
BigCos keep dying. Not being replaced by new ones. Still have them for those mass-manufacturing areas, but hit maturity and low-margin. More people have to be FreeAgent
- current most-common jobs at Employment
People reduce expenses
- UrbanVillage instead of Suburb RealEstate, Commute
- Use less HealthCare (improve PhysicalFitness), have Catastrophic HealthInsurance
- Less CollegeEducation, more Lifelong Learning
Software used daily - 2016-02-19-RaoUnicornsAndBandwagons
- PIM, EverNote, NoteBook
- IssueTracker (WikiKit)
- chat/Messaging: 1-to-1, group. SlackCom, IRC, Instant Messaging...
- VirtualCompany credit allocation (Pie book)
- LiquidDemocracy
- BitCoin
- GitHub
- federated WikiWeb?
- federated TeamWiki/SoftwareForge?
- AugmentedReality
Making the above more Actionable
Taking some process from Taylor Pearson:
Vague Goal for Schooling: see Generative Schooling examples
- many SDLC
- SchoolVouchers that allow SDLC
- colleges that take Portfolio
- employers who take Portfolio
VagueGoal for Urban Village:
- more cities with 75k+ people at 20k/sqmi.
- Better city schools (more, smaller, diverse) (see prev item)
VagueGoal for NetworkEconomy
- Universal Catastrophic Health Insurance
- more anti-trust action
- less regulation on smaller companies, free agents; less Occupational Licensing
My "Means" for all these
- MyStrengths: PM/CTO team leading
- writing? Not really, small audience, I have no influence.
Update: see Aug'2021 notes/Miro-diagram at (2020-06-27) Ways To Nudge Future
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