service for sharing Git-based projects - free for Open Source
- has become a full Software Forge.
to Fork a project -
- you can re-name it in the GitHub web UI - click the Settings button for your fork
- set the
to the original/source repository
May'2012: working with other people via GitHub on Extending Webpy Blog App With Cookbook Features
- someone else submits changes by doing a pull-request to their own fork - I get an email (assume I have no local changes that haven't been committed/pushed)
- browse the changes visually by following the GitHub link in the email for "Or you can view, comment on it, or merge it online at"
- if looks reasonable, load it to my machine so I can test a bit: use the
git pull
line in the email (which merges it into mine) - test
- if happy, commit and push
Company Organization Model
Hubot bot
GitHubPages: static website generated from your GitHub repository.
- driven by Jekyll
- Oct'2014: trade-offs seen by Jon Udell
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