A web proxy Private Web that layers a Wiki namespace and auto-linking over non-wiki browser-readable pages, e.g EMail, other websites?
- use MetaWiki/WikiGraph as db
- what if you read a Wiki through a WikiProxy?
- and what if you're reading a non-wiki page, but it has a WikiWord in it which is already linked to something?
- in both cases the code has to be smart enough not to link a string that's (a) part of a tag, or (b) between href tags. (Other cases?)
As with WikiMail, deciding which namespace to support would be a killer.
- tie to sender/poster (e.g. in Twitter)?
- ah, think like Sister Sites - support a bunch of them!
Hmm, do this via Browser Extension instead of Proxy Server?
Perhaps this would make sense within a more enclosed environment, e.g. a given team's Collaboration Ware bundle... Which would also make sense in that a group could internally agree to use WikiWord styling in all contexts (and they would all be familiar with their shared namespace), not just in the TeamWiki.
- instead of wanting a Software Forge that included an Issue Tracker Wiki, integrated Version Control System viewer, Email List, etc., you could have separate web-based services read via WikiProxy.
More general NameSpace proxying: IntComm:LocalNameServer
Some more general Proxy Server tie-ins:
- Hmm, how does this relate to Annotation Systems?
- Hmm how about add Purple Numbers? (Wouldn't do anyone else any good if it's a local Proxy Server, but if public/shared...)
- And you could log what you're reading to a Personal WebArchive. And/or you could publish your "trail" to your Personal Web ...
- And how about Back Link-s across all (your) Sister Sites?
(Somehow, this reminds me of HappyNetBox, though that seems more like a PIM/Object Browser.)
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BackLinks: 2002-12-09-LesOrchardWebProxy | 2004-10-30-MagdalinskiBbcWikiProxy | 2005-05-27-GreasemonkeyWikiSistersites | 2005-06-22-UdellTacitKnowledgeHypertextHawkins | 2007-04-25-ReadingMachineIWant | 2010-09-14-CohumanTodolist | 2022-04-13-RevisitingAppWikiAndWikiProxy | AppWiki | CollaborationRoadmap | CollaborationWare | DesktopSearch | EmailDiscussionBesideWiki | OSAF | PersonalWebArchive | ProxyServer | SisterSites | SlackCom | UniversalToolbox | WikiMail | WikiProxy
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