Product Manager
person who does Product Management
I am one: see linkedin, plus Agile Product Development
Stars - often Entrepreneurs
- Bret Taylor
- Joe Kraus
- Jason Shellen
- Ken Norton
- Stewart Butterfield
- Marco Arment
- Maciej Ceglowski
- Peter Kaminski
- Michael Sippey
- Jason Fried, Mark Bernstein, Buster Benson?
By the time (not age 30) you become a Product Manager, you should have
- worked for a company with 1k+ employees, and a company with 10-25 employees
- learned intermediate SQL
- manipulated SQL queries in a spreadsheet and made a useful graph
- coded v1 and v2 of some software that people use
- wireframed (lofi) v1 and v2 of some software that people use
- designed/executed 3 HTML pages using Bootstrap CSS
- laid out a spreadsheet for multiple to add rows to, and written instructions for it
- interviewed 5 people and understood what they weren't saying
- built financial/operational models/projects for at least 2 businesses with different business models
- read A Pattern Language and The Nature of Software Development
- read at least 2 of: Cagan Inspired, Running Lean, Obviously Awesome
- read at least 2 of Rolling Rocks Downhill, Eli Goldratt The Goal, The Logical Thinking Process, Certain To Win
- read at least 2 SciFi for Product People books (and/or House of God, Systemantics) from different authors (to help become a Systems Thinker)
- read at least 2 of: Prometheus Rising, Quantum Psychology, Brain Magick, a John Lilly book, How To Fail At Almost Everything And Still Win Big
older notes
WikiWikiWeb:GoalDonor? Onsite Customer?
- need 2 positions?
Charlie O Donnell on the risk of juggling Product Manager responsibilities with everything else necessary as a Start Up Entrepreneur. I have the occasional brilliant product insight--usually mixed in with a whole bunch of horrific ones--but that doesn't mean I'm skilled at the discipline of product management. I was the founder who spent Tuesday afternoons and my rare spare time thinking about product in the midst of 80 other things I had to do and didn't realize how harmful I was to that process. It's not that I wasn't smart or didn't have good vision. Product is a fulltime job and a craft people train hard for to be good at.
on non-technical Program Manager-s.
I got together with some of my peers to discuss the characteristics of a PM. We're a technical bunch, so it took us just 30 seconds to reach a conclusion: PMs have but two configuration variables from which all interactions with them (APIs?) derive: Has technical skills = (True/False); Knows what he wants = (True/False).
So, like all Magic Quadrant-s, this one has two axes. The horizontal axis represents level of knowledge of the Product Manager. This is a combination of the PMs ability to understand market problems, customer needs, technology trends, and of course, their own product at a reasonable level of detail... The vertical axis represents the ability of the Product Manager to effectively work across teams.
- Ted Barnett thinks it's becoming obsolete as a role. The processes I've been doing for most of my career will move into engineering and design... I feel like my job now is to find a way to infuse product management thinking into the rest of the team -- not BE a product manager. To the extent I make the decisions (or priorities), I disempower the team.
How Nitin Julka got a Start Up Product Manager job.
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