WikiFlux For PrivateWiki
Lots of the ideas I'm chewing on lately require a Private Wiki Notebook space, so I guess it's time to extend WikiFlux into that. Why?
- see 2018-11-15-BooksVsTweets, 2018-11-29-NextOpenInfrastructure
- want more quick-capture, and the stream view to browse it
- experimental area for more tiny nodes, to spread later to WikiLog
- repository for a CoachBot user
- launch local version for first time in ages, ok works
- pondering data structures - see orig FlaskForWikiEngine notes
- do I want a single NameSpace? Then "publishing" is just changing the toggle on a node? Nah, I think there are good reasons for TwinPages across private/public.
- do I want a single
with 2 sets of fields for private and public spaces? Smells messy, will keep decoupledspaces
table - looks like I have
table but nousers
at all! Hah and myspaces
table has no records! (Everything is just in the code.)
- what amount of generality am I looking to support?
- could end up hosting this for a few people
- assume I'd make them use
domain - they'd have a unique hostname for identity, and separate paths for wikilog and privatewiki. I'll just force them to use/wiki
- db tweaks
- for now I'll create a pretty raw
table - command-line enter single
records - and 2nd
record for my newprivate
- for now I'll create a pretty raw
- next - generalize the routes
- hack - just double the decorator routes on each function - one for
one forprivate
, passing value over
- hack - just double the decorator routes on each function - one for
- now have to make lots of
changes to define foreign keys, etc. (grr this is why I like just writing my own SQL instead of playing ORM games)- current block: combining
?) - baby steps. Update: fixed.
- current block: combining
- now loading existing
pages using new query; recognizing that/private/
page doesn't exist. - edit-form link is to
. Update:fixed - form-submit is to
but it actually saves to/wiki/
- fix the 'POST' logic
- model has
wiki_name_lower = Column(String(128), primary_key=True)
but that uniqueness is only within Space, have to modify Multiple classes found for path "Space" in the registry of this declarative base.
- Realized I had strange composite Primary Key on
, fixed that to usespace_id, wiki_name_lower
- (also: restarted app - sometimes I think the auto-reload isn't a full enough reset after certain types of changes)
- New page created! But error in
. Derp it'sprivacy_type
- (fixed previous bug)
- edit existing node: done
- FrontPage: done, though with wikilog sidebars
- fixed sidebars, but realize a WikiWord in
renders links to existing pages inwiki
- actually, needed more work on
- went with partial function for
- build the quick-capture UX
- standard URL to hit
- gives me new-node form; pre-fills title with current date (can edit it to back-date)
- I fill in body; can fill in Title or leave it empty and it will get auto-generated by first-n-chars of body (plus datestamp)
- submit to save it
- haven't built the auto-title-gen piece yet
- building title auto-gen....
- it's including the 2nd line, even though I have code to use only first line. Fixed.
- and it's generating the url but not the title derp. Fixed.
- and it's doing weird word-capping:
. Fixed (derp - was doing string-replace of all cases of initial letter!)
- next
- make pages Private. Done
- deploy to live so I can start using QuickCapture all the time
- deploy to live
- discover some bad paths - refactor to simplify - use
. Fixed.... - grr link from node-page to FrontPage not right... ah, it was a constant. Fixed.
- discover some bad paths - refactor to simplify - use
- hrm, hitting not-found page generates error instead of empty-page template. Fixed.
- InstaPaper
broken. Fixed.
- when QuickCapture auto-generates title, it doesn't strip square-brackets coming from first-line....
- working on WikiGraph update
- hrm isn't working right on my laptop
- could it be related to using
instead of psql for this db? Buttwinpages.js
works butbacklinks.js
doesn't - have identical structures, just different queries...iterBetter
issue? - should I just migrate to psql to eliminate a dang variable?
- derp I realized my local instance was talking to SQLite but I was command-line playing in PostgreSQL. So manually inserted a couple records in the right db.
- then realized one of my queries wasn't doing the var-interpolation. Finally realized I needed to use
if I wanted alike
wildcard in the query. - yikes - realized my public FrontPage was including private nodes once I clicked to since-date group. Fixed.
- now looks like I need to tweak my Referer parsing some more to cover production path properly for TwinPages. Fixed.
- upgrade WikiGraph dbs for both private and wikilog. Current process:
psql wikiweb
copy (select * from pages where space_num={n} and modified>'{date}') to '/tmp/space_nodes.sql'
- run sql file against my scraper script, to generate the 2 txt files (per space)
- run those against script to generate pile of sql inserts
- next?
- generalize the WikiGraph code to use a single all-spaces export?
- migrate content?
- then?
- then maybe build twitter-scraper to see how that fits on the public side
- hmm this raises idea of, even having 2 name-spaces for private-vs-wikilog, maybe the private view should be the merge of the 2 spaces?
- then I'll probably want to tweak FrontPage rendering to handle short nodes differently, mainly to make the title less huge...
- then figure out whether I want to use transclusion for collections of short-nodes... (hmm see Trimmings library)
- then maybe build twitter-scraper to see how that fits on the public side
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BackLinks: ConvertingPrivateWikiFromPikiToWikiflux | MyCoding | QuickCapture
TwinPages: WebSeitzPrivate