Friend Of A Friend RDF repository
Reminds me of my Digital Identity directory idea...
- another search engine - Foaf Space
Other than the who-knows-who part, how much extra value is here, beyond posting a VCard? - roughly 30 people have entries; ID=email address, maybe? (Actually, no, a user can associate himself with multiple addresses, but the idea is that an address is only used by a single user - how handle dirty/fraudulent data?)
RDFWeb: FOAF: |the 'friend of a friend' project XML Watch: Finding friends with XML and RDF plus follow-up discussing provenance, Web Of Trust issues, etc.
FOAFBot: IRC Community Support Agent
requires (?) publishing of data in XML/RDF format.
namespace (which can be extended)
FOAF-a-matic JavaScript app to help you make a FOAF file about yourself.
- Auto Foaf makes FOAF from OPML Blog Roll
Proposal and reference links re use of names in FOAF - (interesting internationalization issues)
You can get your FOAF file spidered by adding a link to this page.
Is this the data actually used for Aaron Swartz's record in the directory? I don't think so...
See little bit of investigation on the Object Browser page.
EddDumbill how-to's --BillSeitz, 2003/07/20 11:39 GMT
are here
To control how you share data via FOAF, you probably want some sort of P2P app that hold all the data, starts out exposing a certain amount of data to anyone, then responding to requests for more data selectively, through both automated rules (e.g. SpamBayes, Social Networking) and real-time prompting of the data owner. OSAF/Jabber?
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BackLinks: 2002-10-02-RdfQl | 2003-01-13-SmbMetaTrellix | 2003-01-28-FoafIdentity | 2003-04-23-MovableTypeNews | 2003-04-27-FoafBlogroll | 2003-05-09-DecentralizationNotes | 2003-07-07-PhilWolffUnivInboxEmailClient | 2003-07-18-TechnoratiProfiles | 2003-07-21-JoiningFoaf | 2003-07-25-FoafRelationships | 2003-08-07-KempelenBoxFoaf | 2003-08-09-BillKearneyPersonas | 2003-09-18-SocialNetworkingSummit | 2003-09-19-TypepadFoaf | 2003-09-20-UpcomingLaunch | 2003-10-13-BraySpamPayMailRelay | 2003-11-24-WolffFoafRelations | 2003-12-16-SemaviewFoafTouchgraph | 2003-12-16-UdellSocialNetworkHassles | 2003-12-17-TryingJabberAgain | 20031231SiglerFoafGroup | 2004-01-27-FindingLatLong | 2004-01-27-MultiFoafs | 2004-02-03-KellyDoddsRdfFromWiki | 2004-03-15-FenSharedIdFoaf | 2004-03-19-ShirkyFoafRelationships | 2004-07-08-CanterBlogosphereMetaMap | 2004-10-27-DrupalFoaf | 2005-03-03-DownesNorthernLight | 2005-05-17-YadisSingleSignon | 2005-06-30-YahooSocialSearch | 2005-10-03-OpmlRedux | 2005-10-17-MindRaider | 2005-11-04-EventCalendarTagging | 2005-11-04-XfnVsFoaf | 2006-02-17-DisclosureFoaf | 2006-07-28-ThirtyBoxesIdentityAggregation | 2007-04-20-EllgOpenSocialNetworking | 2023-02-16-CelikNineteenYearsAgoLastSaturdayKevinMarksIIntroducedMicroformats | AugmentingSocialNetworks | BuddyList | DanBrickley | DigitalIdentity | EmailEncryption | FOAF | GroupCalendaring | LesOrchard | ObjectBrowser | OpenTwitter | PersonalWeb | PeterSmall | PLink | PortalCollaborationRoadmap | SemanticClient | SmbMeta | SocialGraph | SocialNetworkContext | SocialNetworking | ThinkingSpace | WikiForGroupWare | XFN | XpertWeb
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