Greatest Books
If I were nudging a 15-30yo semi-normie/newbie toward becoming a reality hacker, what would I slide over? (Subliminal Subversives, Systems Thinker)
- SnowCrash, DiamondAge
- Schrodinger's Cat Trilogy
- Flourish
- Systemantics
- Pattern Language
- Nature Of Software Development, Running Lean
- Prometheus Rising
- Tools for Thought and/or Mind Amplifier
- H L Mencken: Chrestomathy
- History Of The 21st Century In 100 Objects
- Venkatesh Rao: BreakingSmart Season1 2015-08-01-RaoBreakingSmartSeason1
- Radicalized
- Hack Your Life With A Private Wiki Notebook, Getting Things Done, And Other Systems (heh)
- Max-Mate
- Scott Adams: How To Fail At Almost Everything And Still Win Big: Kind of the Story of My Life ISBN:1591847745
- Sterling Distraction
- Simon Morden: The Petrovitch Trilogy/Metrozone Series
- then the rest of SciFi for Product People, then everything below
Top 5+ mind-changers for me in order read (very context/timing sensitive) (and age at which I read each) (others below)
- Camus: The Stranger (or maybe a Sartre) (17)
- T H White: The Once And Future King (18)
- Robert Nozick: Anarchy State And Utopia (18)
- H L Mencken: Chrestomathy (18)
- Rudy Rucker: 57th Franz Kafka (stories) (19)
- William G Ouchi: Theory Z (20)
- Whole Earth Catalog (24?)
- Douglas Hofstadter: Godel Escher Bach (25)
- William Gibson: Neuromancer (27)
- Beyond Cyberpunk (29) (not really a book)
- Mitchell Waldrop: Complexity: The Emerging Science at the Edge of Order and Chaos (31)
- Neal Stephenson: SnowCrash (31)
- Neal Stephenson: Diamond Age (33)
- Semiotext(e) USA (35)
- Hunter S Thompson: Great Shark Hunt collection
- Robert Anton Wilson: Schrodinger's Cat Trilogy
- Ted Nelson: Computer Lib/Dream Machines
- Kevin Kelly: Out of Control (35)
- John Ratey: Shadow Syndromes (35)
- Steve McConnell: Software Project Survival Guide (35)
- Mike Baird: Engineering Your Start-Up (37)
- Christopher Alexander: A Pattern Language (38?)
- John Holt Instead of Education (40?)
- Peter Small: Entrepreneurial Web (40)
- Michael Gerber: E-Myth Revisited (44)
Want to provide a medium-length reading list (subset of BookList) for others to follow along into my Worldview Roadmap.
I'm horrified at the thought of how much I'm leaving out.
Robert Anton Wilson: pretty much all
Neal Stephenson: pretty much all
H L Mencken: Chrestomathy
David Brin: Earth (Brins Earth); Marc Stiegler: Earth Web; Sterling Distraction
Harry Potter And The Methods Of Rationality
L Neil Smith: Probability Broach
James Gleick's Chaos or Kevin Kelly's Out Of Control
Michael Crichton: Jurassic Park (much better than movie at expressing ways that complex systems go wrong)
Roger Schank Coloring Outside The Lines and/or John Taylor Gatto A Different Kind Of Teacher and/or John Holt Instead of Education
Ray Oldenburg: Great Good Place
James Howard Kunstler: Home From Nowhere
Ernesto Sirolli: Ripples From The Zambezi
T H White: The Once And Future King
Douglas Hofstadter: Godel Escher Bach
Douglas Adams: Hitchhikers Guide To The Galaxy
Rudy Rucker: ???
Christopher Stasheff: Escape Velocity
Hunter S Thompson: Great Shark Hunt collection
Marquis De Sade: ???
Christopher Alexander: A Pattern Language
Edwin Abbott: FlatLand/Sphere Land
Robert Nozick: Anarchy State And Utopia
Frederic Bastiat: The Law (maybe not the best choice for someone starting out, but it was what I ran across at the right time and found just the right tone, etc.)
Great books that have maybe less of a worldview aspect
Aldous Huxley: Point Counter Point
Umberto Eco: The Name Of The Rose
Samuel Shem: The House Of God
Helen De Witt: The Last Samurai
George Bernard Shaw: ???
Oscar Wilde: ???
Dashiell Hammett: anything
Gregory Mc Donald: the Flynn mysteries
Tom Peters: ???
Geoffrey Moore: Crossing The Chasm
approaches to exposing people to an Enlightenment World View
(see Exposing Young Kids To Science)
visual books
- like Robert Hooke's MicroGraphia
- ??
engaging fiction *
simulation/animation of ??? like 2004-12-09-NanotechAnimation
Live Performance; MsPowerpoint
short movie
- standup: Steven Wright, George Carlin
- movie/TV: Monty Python
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