biggest part of Big Media
shows I have loved, or at least enjoyed enough to schedule in DVR (Product Review): Community, 30Rock, Dr House, Mentalist, Lie to Me, Boston Legal, Good Eats (won't get me Cooking, but helps me enjoy Eating), Sopranos (at least early seasons), West Wing (early seasons), Psych, Eureka, The Neighbors.
- Bill Maher/Daily Show/Colbert Report (actually don't watch those often, too many to keep up).... (actually/actually I'm totally over Bill Maher as of 2022)
- more recent: Stranger Things, BBC Sherlock, Black Mirror, Resident Alien, True Detective, Umbrella Academy
Kids Tv more recent than below: Adventure Time, Chowder, Gumball, Phineas and Ferb
Kids Tv: grouped by age-range: if no note, then I rather like it. Note these are from 2000-2007, so most are gone now.
- 1-3
- Sesame Street
- Backyardigans: awesome music (Douglas Wieselman and Evan Lurie (brother of John Lurie; co-founders of the Lounge Lizards)), fun imagination games
- favorite episodes: Surfs Up (funk), Harbor Patrol (soul revue), Ping Pong Bandit (indian), Sinbad (mambo)
- WonderPets
- Thomas The Tank Engine: tedious messages ("be really useful, don't cause confusion and delay"), but kids love it, and ties in with toys they spend hours playing with
- Barney: have never let it be seen
- 4-6: NickToons
- Spongebob Squarepants
- RugRats: music by Mark Mothersbaugh of Devo and lots of movies.
- Rocket Power
- FairlyOddParents: by Butch Hartman, not related to Phil Hartman (?!?!)
- Avatar
- Wild Thornberries
- 7-10
- PokeMon, Blue Dragon: oh lordy these are so horrible
- Educational Tv: Civil War Journal, Nova, Good Eats, Top Chef, So You Think You Can Dance: ok maybe The Boys are atypical....
old/weird TV
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